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Frequently Asked Questions
Have questions? We are here to help. These are some commonly asked questions we hear from people regarding our services. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Where will we be fishing for the day?This is probably the number one question and it really has no definitive answer. The short answer is wherever your guide determines you will have the best chance for a successful day. Many factors go into selecting a location. These include timing of the run, water conditions, weather conditions, etc. When your guide reaches out to you a few days before your scheduled date, he will be able to give you an idea of where you might fish. Keep in mind, conditions near the Great Lakes change rapidly and your fishing location could change at the last minute. The key is being flexible and trusting your guide.
When will my guide reach out to me?You will know who your guide will be when you book your trip and will receive his contact information. You are more than welcome to reach out to him anytime should you have any questions or concerns. Your guide will make contact with you a few days before your scheduled trip to work out the final details.
Am I allowed to keep fish?No. We are a catch and release guide service. We carefully release any fish caught during the day. Most people would agree that steelhead do not make good table fare. If you’re interested in harvesting fish, walleye and perch are much better options.
Should I tip my guide?Typically yes, but that is at your discretion. Your tip is an indication of how much you enjoyed your day and how well your guide performed. An average tip is $80-$100 with tips exceeding $100 not uncommon.
Do I need to be an experienced fly fisherman to catch fish?Absolutely not! We thoroughly enjoy the teaching aspect of guiding. No matter your experience, we will patiently work with you so that you will have an excellent chance of success. We have guided people who have never held a fishing rod as well as people who have fished all over the world. Experience is NOT necessary for success.
What equipment will I need to bring?You will need to bring chest waders, wading boots, clothing appropriate for the weather conditions (including raingear), and all applicable licenses/stamps for the location we will be fishing. For walk/wade trips, we recommend rubber soles with some sort of metal cleats for added traction. Only rubber soled shoes (no cleats) can be worn on float trips. We do not recommend felt soles. It’s a good idea to ensure that your waders do not leak before your scheduled date. Cold, wet feet do not make for a comfortable fishing experience. Polarized glasses and a wading staff are optional but highly recommended to make navigating the stream easier. The glasses will also help you read the surface current and sometimes, spot fish!
What equipment will be provided to me?We will provide high end fly rods and reels, flies, all terminal tackle, and a streamside lunch. You are more than welcome to use your own fly rod/reel, provided it’s adequate to ethically land a hard fighting, large fish. A 10’ 7 weight fly rod is considered standard for Great Lakes steelhead fishing. You would not be able to use a 7’ 2 weight dry fly rod.
What happens if the streams are “blown out” from rainfall or snow melt?You guide will closely monitor the stream conditions and let you know as soon as possible if the streams will be un-fishable. Keep in mind, many times the smaller tributaries return to fishable levels within 12-24 hours of a rain event so there’s a good chance that there will be fishable water somewhere. There are, however, times when the streams cannot be fished due to high water levels. We will always err on the side of caution in these types of situations and we WILL NOT attempt to fish in conditions that are unsafe or present a small opportunity for success. If your trip needs to be cancelled due to water or weather conditions, your guide will work with you to select an alternative day.
Is my deposit refundable?No. If you cannot fish on your scheduled date for any reason, you must let us know at least 30 days in advance. We will work with you to select a different day and your deposit will carry over. If you cancel within 30 days of your scheduled date, you will forfeit your deposit, except in the case of a legitimate emergency. The deposit from any trip cancelled due to inclement weather or stream conditions will be carried over to the new date.
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